Saturday, April 26, 2008

How To Stop A Tree From Growing Acorns

[Code-LOOM Version 16 colors]

I can not play the LOOM Version 16 colors because I asked password?
Did not like setting the password for the LOOM
Version 16?
What are all keys that appear when I want to play
LOOM Version 16?

Well, as I have seen on the network that many people do not know how to introduce codes of LOOM Version 16 colors, because it is a uncomplicated, and noobs that do not go looking soooo want, I leave the instructions on how to do:

1 º. When you open the game you will receive this screen:

is the easier version, has support in the colors when they ring in the light stick notes, and notes are recorded when touched.
Example: ------------------------------------------- -----

is the second version, of medium difficulty. Has support in the colors when they ring in the light stick notes, but are not recorded when touched.
--------------------------------------- ---------

is the third version and more difficult. It has no color support on the pole, no separation between note and note if you do not need learning you where each note and sharpen well the ear to distinguish one from another.
-------------------------------------- ----------

If you pass this version, you have a scene, as stated in the original box, which will show you how Bobbin and Weavers Guild escape through the heavens, taking his half of the LOOM, and Rusty appears where it should be in the FORGE .

------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------

-------------------------------------- After choosing, comes this screen (in which have problems):

Now ... What is everything? , for that we need these two boxes, which are used together:

There are 3 information that we consider:

1. Image Guild: What is your POINT concerned.
2. The word below the image of the Guild: May be 4: Tira , Hit , Pedal or Rest.
3. Knowing these 2 information comes the 3, it is to know The Code is needed, pressing the 4 12 images out there.

then do an example, see the image of example

is the symbol that corresponds to the J , and has the word Strip, then look in the column strip and is J , and the code goes as follows : 42A1.

Now we see what are the keys I have to tighten:
The first row is : First 4, Second and Fourth of the 2 1.
In the second row is : Third A.


----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

--------------------------------------- That's it, nothing else, it is not so difficult after all. parka!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Mainship 41 Grand Salon

FORGE [Aftermath] [ Information]

Well, as I said, I have only one source of information on the sequel to the LOOM , according to the ---> House <---(haciendo honor a la casa de la hechizera Voodoo del Monkey Island). Esta página, que se dedica a la recopilacion de información de Juegos AG, tanto viejos como no tanto, por ejemplo el Sam and Max 2. Asi que les dejo el texto traducido al Castellano, modificado por mi para mejor comprención, con la escasa información sobre la secuela del LOOM Mojo: FORGE
The second LOOM planned trilogy, beginning with FORGE Nailbender Rusty, the young blacksmith's first game. This result further explored the situation found at the end of the LOOM, with the dead scattered about the world of life and the universe that was for rent, divided by half.
Rusty's goal was to rescue his father, the foreman of FORGE. The oldest Nailbender was held at the Ones' dead floating prison, a giant storm cloud that had been created out of FORGE. Rusty will be led by the Soul of Bobbin Threadbare, which appear from time to time to give advice in the style of Kenobi Obi-Wan of Star Wars films.
LOOM The book suggested that some of the charms unusual was found in the book Rusty patterns within FORGE.
Some of these spells include:
tabs (which allow the weaver to understand other languages),
Earthquake (which makes volcanoes erupt),
Folding (used for teleportation)
I (which works similarly to the charm of terror LOOM)
extinct (for putting out fires).
Blessing (create "good luck" in things like game),
Others are shrinking, confusion, and waterproofing.
FORGE was worked by Mike Stemmle and Sean Clark about 1991-92. They called the project to make Sam & Max Hit The Road, but suffered a blow up on the way: after low sales management of LEC reject LOOM any expectation of making a sequel. The Fold Therefore, the third game in the series, was also canceled without ever going into production. Also to be on the team's game reported the artist Mike Ebert and team member Kalani Streicher loom.
say: not found no official comments on FORGE LucasArts, except confirmation that existed, as given by Mike and Sean Clark Stemmle E3 2001 .

Information extracted from: ---> House of Mojo <---(link directo a la información escrita)