Friday, December 19, 2008

Collision Settlement Letter

[DD] Project: LOOM II - Demo [RS] [MU] [Information]

something very interesting, another project: LOOM II (2).

Bobbyn the burden back to save and fix everything. But that should solve the puzzles of his adventure, within its portion of the world caught.

This project began in 2006, at least that time is what makes its creator theodosisx , also creator of the website: LOOM II Return of The Swans . Is all in English. Download

LOOM II - Demo [ Megaupload] - [Rapidshare ]

DEMO What do I say? Well, sinseramente disgusting, horrible, pathetic and disastrous. The ugly scene, here I post some screenshot I took:

My criticism is this:

Screenplay: Malo, without head or tail, with little information about what to do.
Graphic Design: Lousy, funds are horrible and the characters do not match. Programming
: No bugs, but if lack of openness in the objects, so that one must sever often something to get what he wants. Music
: Missing music completely immerses us in the world of LOOM.

Score Writer 4 / / Graphic Design : 3 / / Programming : 3 / / Music : 3
Total: 3.5

missing a Castilian translation, aunq is understood quite well while still in English. What it offers is the website with his cane, and one must hold to use the note and go to the link below says, this is an excellent idea.

Guide to pass the DEMO (I leave them out as a spoiler for not wanting to play and is just if you get stuck)

  1. swans and aim to learn the spell of Speed \u200b\u200b/
  2. slow
  3. We approached the herbs that are next to the stairs and see who comes out a crab
  4. We use the spell Slow on him.
  5. Then double click on aquatic plants and tell us not get much water. Please
  6. without touching anything after hearing what he says Bobbyn Atropos we ask that
  7. with a double click we reach the grass.
  8. Open the Inventory and took the algae and used with the crab (supporting the algae on it) and we take it. Let
  9. the stairs, into the bushes that will not let us go and use the crab on the way so we can pass. In this scene
  10. select a tree and let out the birds. We learn the spell Fly / Stand. We
  11. right our of the screen and by little try to go to the bottom, where we will advance to another screen.
  12. continue along the path, we look at the mansion and go to the bottom, rising to go to another scene.
  13. talk to the guard, will tell us something (totem) and then use the spell Fly / Stand to elevate into the air.
  14. After that we have to use the spell Quick and see who will move from side to side.
  15. We're to the top of the screen and use the spell to download Stand, so it will fall into the water. We
  16. law and is a scene with chaos and death that Bobbyn account.
End DEMO (Horrible)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Asus Maximus Ii Formula Q9550

LOOM Covers of [FM- Towns Japanese] [Cd-Rom]

Here I found the images of the Box Tops Edition Cd-Rom and FM-Towns Version:

have a spoiler for viewing without overload the blog.
